Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Volunteer in Child Care Center

Sponsor a Child

Disaster Relief

Again with you Tamil Nadu

International Volunteering

Furrows in the Desert

Disaster Relief

Volunteer in Child Care Center

Furrows in the Desert

Sponsor a Child

Community Development

Community Development

Israeli Medicine on the Equator

Gender Equality – Mirembe

Muse Uganda

International Volunteering

Sponsor Medical Treatment

Sponsor a Child

Nazareth Child Care Center

Inspiration International Academy

Kiboga Medical Outreach
Brit Olam – International Volunteering and Development
Brit Olam was founded by Topaz leading social innovations in Israel in 2005. As part of Topaz, Brit Olam is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political, international volunteering and development platform. Brit Olam is based on the belief that volunteerism and an active civil society are a necessary condition for a just and morally sensitive global society.
Brit Olam’s activities include sustainable and community-based projects designed to reduce poverty, hardship and vulnerability in fragile communities; humanitarian relief to victims of natural and man-made disasters; and dispatching volunteers to support and empower children, families and communities in need.
Throughout the years, Brit Olam has operated in over 20 countries in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia, both in relief operations and development programs. In 2008, jointly with the Kibbutz Movement, Brit Olam established Natan – the Israeli International Humanitarian Relief Coalition.
Brit Olam promotes values of “Tikkun Olam”, social responsibility, social entrepreneurship and volunteerism. Brit Olam believes that each human being maintains the right to exist in dignity and aims to support a just, inclusive and pluralistic Israeli society. Our programs strive to promote tolerance and cultural open-mindedness, and to disseminate Israeli expertise in the domains of education, health, environmental studies, agriculture, water management and alternative energy systems, assistance for refugees as well as disaster relief.
How Do We Make Our Vision a Reality?
- Initiating and operating community-based development programs in developing countries.
- Providing relief, rehabilitation and humanitarian assistance following natural or man-made disasters.
- Exporting Israeli expertise and knowledge in the fields of community development, health, medicine, arts, education, agriculture, and socio therapy.
- Providing training and placement of volunteers from Israel and the Jewish world.
- Collaborating with local development organizations, businesses and international development agencies
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.”
(Psalms 85:11)
Emergency Relief:
"A room of her own"
Copyright © 2022 Brit Olam