The International Volunteer Center


The International Volunteer Center in the village of Namulanda, Uganda hosts volunteers from Israel and across the world for a minimum of three months. During this time, volunteers teach and mentor  Muse Uganda students within their field of expertise. In addition, volunteers support local communities’ needs.

Brit Olam, recruits, trains and dispatches volunteers with a work plan that responds to the local community’s needs. This cross-cultural exchange of skills, knowledge and cultural diversity benefits the students, volunteers and members of the local community.

Volunteer_museBrit Olam’s
volunteer center is active throughout the year and hosts volunteers with various missions, including: developing and teaching in the Muse Uganda program; enriching the program with art techniques not familiar in Uganda; teaching English, math and computers; developing infrastructures (such as internet), social entrepreneurship initiatives (volunteer programs) and business entrepreneurship initiatives (developing small-scale initiatives for students to sell their artcraft etc.). The program seeks ambitious and creative volunteers with knowledge and experience in the fields mentioned above who also have training experience and an ability to work with youth.

009.jpgThe Nazareth kindergarten, still in its first years, requires investment in both infrastructure and in staff development and training. To answer this need, Brit Olam seeks volunteers with experience in early childhood education to prepare educational curriculums and to train and develop local staff so the kindergarten can operate independently. In addition, professional healthcare volunteers are needed to diagnose, treat and perform follow up procedures for the kindergarten’s children.

Volunteers must be over 21 years old and be committed for a minimum of three months to fully accomplish their volunteer plan and goals.

Volunteer cycles are February – April and September – November.

Volunteers cover their own flights, insurance, living and travel expenses (approx.. $150 per month, dependent on lifestyle and the number of volunteers sharing costs) vaccines, and medicine. Brit Olam also charges $150 to cover the volunteer center’s expenses.

Applicants will be interviewed and go through an evaluation process. Selected volunteers with go through training and preparation to develop a personal/ group volunteer plan.

Volunteers stay for their three month periods in the International Volunteer Center adjacent to the Muse Uganda Arts Education Center. A local team and an Israeli overseas volunteer coordinator operate the program. To apply as a volunteer, please submit your request to: