This year, Brit Olam, in partnership with the Israeli Deaf Association, created a new and one of a kind program of a group of deaf adults who will leave this coming July to volunteer in Uganda.
The volunteers will immerse in a local camp for the disabled, will provide training in various fields of knowledge and will share with others their wisdom and personal life lessons regarding dealing with their deafness on a daily basis.
An amazing group of people, who learned to turn their disability into an opportunity and a great life motivation, will prove to the world how far they can go and will show their ability to give to others. The program “Crossing Borders and Disabilities” is currently in conducting an internet fundraising campaign. We ask you to take part in the challenge and donate in order to help them help others.
We managed to meet our target of 20,000 NIS on mimoona!!! A huge thank you to all the wonderful supporters.
We just need that final push now to make this a reality, and are now reaching out on a platform that is open to our international supporters. Join the challenge at: