Volunteer with Brit Olam

Brit Olam‘s programs rely on the valuable support of volunteers, who help bring about change in the lives of people in underprivileged communities worldwide. Join us as a volunteer, learn about social responsibility and community development, and feel good. You have something to give!

Volunteer Opportunities



 Brit – Global Change Makers

The Brit – Global Change Makers program is a collaboration between between Brit Olam, the Israeli Volunteer Association, Inspiration Arts for Humanity, the Israel Global Initiative (IGI) and Tag. The program offers 3 month volunteer opportunities in education, agriculture, public health, arts and more. Volunteers undertake personally tailored projects within local communities in Uganda, and live in secure accommodation together with other volunteers in Project TEN’s volunteer center.


turkana4Furrows in the Desert

Furrows in the Desert, a sustainable development program in Turkana, North Kenya, is seeking volunteers with an agricultural background for a minimum of  5-6 months to train locals participating in the program.

Requirements and ConditonsAt least 2 years of practical experience in growing field crops, good communication and instruction skills, interest in intercultural dialogue, initiative and leadership skills, strong English skills- speaking and writing, motivation to work and stay in communal conditions in a secluded desert area.

Suitable candidates will undergo a brief training in Israel and receive ongoing instruction and consultation in the field. The program covers all volunteer expenses (flights, upkeep, insurance, accommodation and communication).

For details contact: volunteers@britolam.org.

volunteer_center2The International Volunteer Center in Uganda.

Brit Olam’s volunteer center is active throughout the year and hosts volunteers from various projects, including developing and teaching in Nazareth Kindergarten and other local community projects.

Requirements and Conditions: Volunteers must be over 21 years old and commit to a minimum of three months to fully accomplish their volunteer plan and goals.

Volunteers cover the costs of their own flights, insurance, living and travel expenses (approx. $150 per month, dependent on lifestyle and the number of volunteers sharing costs), vaccines and medicines. Brit Olam also charges $150 to cover the volunteer center’s expenses.

Applicants will be intervewed and go through an evaluation process. Selected volunteers with receive training and preparation to develop a personal/ group volunteer plan.

A local team and an Israeli volunteer coordinator operate the program. To apply as a volunteer, please submit your request to: volunteers@britolam.org

IICCOur Place in India

‘Our Place in India’,  a counselling and information center for backpackers that helps travelers cope with the challenges and opportunities brought about by the freedom of travel, is seeking volunteers for a minimum of  3 months.

Requirements and conditions: Volunteers should have traveled in India at least once, be open minded about the complex circumstances that travellers find themselves in on their journey of self-discovery, and be able to develop non-judgemental and down-to-earth dialogue with backpackers.

Airfare, insurance, visas and vaccinations will be at the volunteer’s expense. In addition, Brit Olam charges $150 a month ($5 a day) to cover the volunteer’s living costs.

Suitable candidates will receive a brief training period in Israel and more in-depth training in the Inter-Cultural Center in India.

Contact Us

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