Every year thousands of young Israelis go on a journey of self discovery to India. The India Inter-Cultural Center (IICC) seeks to deepen the personal and intercultural connections formed in the meetings between tourists and the local community.
The IICC’s first project, ‘Our Place in India’, is a counselling and information center for backpackers that helps travelers cope with the challenges and opportunities brought about by the freedom of travel.
‘Our Place in India’ provides tourists, and particularly long-term backpackers in India, a welcoming place to hang out, to eat, to sleep, to get travel tips and advice.
The heart of Our Place is the restaurant which doubles as an information and counseling center for backpackers.
For more information see the IICC’s website: http://iicc-india.org or visit the center’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HapinaShelanuBeHodu.
Our staff is trained in the needs of long-term backpackers, and the different states in which they arrive. Among the topics we cover are:
“Arrival Shock” – Kasol and Goa are some of the most comfortable places for new arrivals in India, but it’s still India and can sometimes be overwhelming.
Practical Information – Travel options and “How do I …” If we don’t know we’ll either find out for you or help you find a person that will be able to give reliable information
The Social Side of Travelling – Travelling in a group can be fun, but has its own challenges
Personal and Emotional Issues – India has a way of making people ask questions about themselves and their lives. Our staff is trained in helping young travelers ask and find answers (or at least the right questions) about the issues that arise.
Drugs – Drugs are illegal, but common in India. We offer fair and accurate information, without judgment or propaganda. We know how to help people who have taken drugs and are having difficult experiences, and offer a safe space for travelers under the influence.
Preparation for Returning Home – Long term travelers to India often find the return home a shock. Before leaving, we’ll help you understand what the trip meant for you and how to integrate the experience into your life back home.