מעניקים חסות לילדים עוד היום.
במקום כלשהו, יש ילד שמחכה לך. באמצעות מתן חסות לילדים, תוכלו להיות הגיבורים בחייו של ילד במצוקה. תוכל לוודא שהם יגדלו בריאים, משכילים ובטוחים. קראו עוד על הילדים המדהימים האלו שממתינים להכיר אתכם.ן. בחרו ילד לו תעניקו טיפת אור.
למידה היא מתנה טבעית וזכותו של כל ילד לממש אותה. הגשמת מתנה זו יכולה להיות מושגת בעזרתכם.
תמורת 4 שקלים ביום תוכלו לשנות את חייו של ילד על ידי שימושם עבור חסות לילד.
כספי החסות נועדים לשכר לימוד, ארוחות, חומרים חינוכיים, מדים, ניהול ובמקרים מסוימים דמי פנימיות. חשוב לציין כי עלות החינוך עולה ככל שרמות החינוך עולות.
Imran, born on 29th 04, 2015 and comes from Nganjo village in Namulanda in Entebbe. He comes from a very large family and currently living together with six other siblingsand both parents. He is now in the top class and plans to join primary in the coming year after graduating from Nazareth. Imran is healthy, performs well in class, a very happy child and loves to play football during his free time. Both his parents raise income from stone quarrying and so some subsistence farming on small scale to supplement their incomes. However, there earnings is not sufficient to support all the siblings to go to school.
Nelson comes from a very poor family in Dewei, Namulanda. He was born on the 5th .06 .2013 and is top class at Nazareth. Today he lives with both parents and his three brothers. His father rides motorcycles for commercial purpose and carries passengers and goods in exchange for cash and his mother is running the house and taking care of the children.
Faith was born on 06rd 12, 2013 in Kakindu village in Namulanda in Entebbe. She is now in top class. Faith is a sister to Joyce Kyeziru who also attends Nazareth Child Care Center. Her parents are growing food crops and rearing some animals as means of livelihood. Faith is a happy and clever child.
David was born in 20th 10, 2012. He lives with both parents in Dewei in Namulanda, Entebbe. David has excellent social functioning and good academic achievements. His parents farms hard to provide for the family. He is now studying in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center.
Leticia was born on 10th 01, 2014 in Dewei, Namulanda, Entebbe. Both her parents are poor with low income. They earn their living from trading agricultural commodities in the local markets. Leticia performs well in class, has excellent social functioning and good health. She is in top class at Nazareth.
Takia was born on 02nd 09, 2013. Takia lives with both parents in Jjanyi village, Namulanda, Entebbe. He is in top class at Nazareth. He comes from a very large family of 8 children. Takia’s mother works as farmer- they grow crops and exchange them in the local market. His father works at brick laying and house building whenever there is an opportunity to do so.
Jemimah was born on 04th 09, 2013 in Ddewei village in Namulanda in Entebbe. She is now in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. She is healthy and showing good academic performance. Her parents work as farmers for their living for a very long time. Jemimah is a very happy child who loves playing with other children.
Immaculate was born on 23rd 01. 2013, in Nganjo village in Namulanda. She lives with both parents and two other sisters. They mainly rely on stone quarrying as means of livelihood and to support their children with school requirements. She is in top class. Immaculate is healthy and has excellent academic performance. She is jolly and relates well with other children. She always helps her parents with house choirs when she is at home.
Fred was born 06th 08, 2013 and lives in Nganjo in Namulanda, Entebbe. He lives with both parents and an older brother. His family support his school needs from the little income they earn from stone quarrying. Fred is in top class. He has good academic performance and good social functioning. Fred is a happy child who loves to play football during his free times.
Santa Maria was born on 04th 09, 2014 and lives in Jjanyi village in Namulanda, Entebbe. She comes from a small family of four and poor living conditions. Her mother is a tailor and her father works as a local driver. They both work very hard in order to meet the family’s need, but sadly many time it is not enough. Santa has excellent academic performance and good overall functioning. She is now in her top class at Nazareth Child Care Center.
Jacob was born on 04th 12, 2013. His father and mother both work at stone quarrying as means of livelihood and in order to support Jacob in school. He is top class at Nazareth Nursery School. Jacob performs well in class, he is a healthy child and has good social functioning.
Shadia was born on 22nd 02, 2015 in Jjanyi village in Namulanda. She is now in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. Her father and grandmother are both farmers. The child lives with her grandmother. Her mother left her with the father while she was younger. She loves going to school. Shadia is healthy, performs well in class and interact well with other children.
Rameen was born on 4th .06.2014. She lives in Jjanyi village, Namulanda Entebbe with both parents and an older sisters. Her parents are subsistence farmers with very low income, who grow crops and sell them to earn a living. Rameen studies at Nazareth nursery school and her overall performance is good. She is now in top class.
Nichol was born on 14th 07, 2014 and lives in Nganjo village in Namulanda. He lives with both parents and two other siblings. The family relies on stone quarrying in order to earn a living, and his grandmother also works as a tailor. He is now in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center.
Solome was born on 10th 12, 2013 in jjanyi village, Namulanda, Entebbe. Her overall functioning is very good with excellent academic achievement at Nazareth nursery school. Her mother is a beneficiary of Mirembe fare trade in Namulanda. At Mirembe her mother makes baskets and other products that are later sold in Israel. The father is a building constructor.
Bellamene was born on 12th 02 2014. He comes from Jjanyi village, Namulanda Entebbe. Bellamene studies at Nazareth nursery school at the top class and his performance at Nazareth has been very good. His health is very good with good overall functioning. He come from an average family; the mother sells food items in the local market in Namulanda. His father is currently unemployed.
Olivia was born on the 14th 05, 2014, in Namulanda. Coming from a poor family where growing of crops is the main source of livelihood, Olivia on several occasion absents from school due to financial challenge faced by the parents. She is healthy, quiet and performs well in class, loves to go to school and does her homework on time. She is now in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center.
Agnes was born on 30th 06, 2014, lives with both parents in Nganjo village in Namulanda. Agnes is last born of 6 siblings who all are taken care of by their father. Agnes lost her mother to a chronic disease. Her father is a truck driver who makes small income on a daily basis. It is from this small income that Agnes’s parents pay her school fees but she usually lacks scholastic materials. Agnes is in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. Agnes is a happy and helpful child.
Bushira was born on 26th .03.2014. She lives in Nganjo, Namulanda, in Entebbe. She has a younger brother. Her parents abandoned her to live with her grandmother who works at stone quarrying to meet the basic family needs. Bushira studies at Nazareth nursery school at the top class; and her educational achievement has been excellent ever since she joined Nazareth nursery school. Her health is also very good. Bushira helps her grandmother at the house by watching over her younger brother.
Betty was born on 2nd 05, 2015. She is an only child who lives with both parents in Jjanyi Namulanda, Entebbe. Betty studies at Nazareth nursery school at the top class. Her health is very good, she has excellent educational achievement and social functioning. Her mother owns a business and sells alcoholic beverages, and her father is a building constructor.
Jonathan was born on 17th 07, 2014 in Jjanyi village in Namulanda, Entebbe. Jonathan lives with the both parents and four other siblings. His family have been farming for a very long time now, manly growing crops and rearing domestic animals. He is now is in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center, and has very good academic performance, good health and great social skills. Jordan loves to play soccer with the other kids in the garden.
Kasim was born on 13th 06, 2013 in Nganjo village in Namulanda, Entebbe. He lives with both his parents and five other siblings. Main source of income for the family is agriculture. His parents work as farmers, then sell their crops at the local market. Kasim is in top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. He is a healthy child who performs well in class.
Julius was born on 28th 02, 2014, lives with both parents in Nganjo village in Namulanda His parents work as subsistence farmers and that is their main way to raise money to support Julius and his four siblings. Julius is now going to top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. Julius love to play a lot and relates well with other children. He is healthy and has excellent academic performance.
Christine born 12th 12, 2015 in Nganjo in Namulanda, Entebbe. Christine lives with both parents and three other siblings. Both her parents work at a nearby school, her mother as a cook and her father at maintenance. Christine is in the top class a Nazareth Child Care Center. Christine does not get enoough financial support to raise school fees and buy schlastics. She is bright with good academic perfromace, good health and good social functioning.
Kevin was born on 22nd 01, 2014 in Nganjo village in Namulanda. Kevin is in the top class at Nazareth Child Care Center. Coming from a rural area, Kevin’s parents are engaged in subsistence agriculture and from this they make little income to support the family. His health and social functioning are good.
Patricia was born on 04th 05, 2013 in Dewei. Patricia a bright child is in top class. When she is in school Patricia concentrates on learning and does not want to play a lot. Her parents are subsistence farmers- they sell some of what they produce and use the money to support their children. Patricia is healthy and jolly.
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